Volunteer as a
Church Connecter
Church partnerships are critical to the success and growth of the ministry and we would love to connect with your church for onsite classes
We interact with each church to determine the direction for ministry, based on their needs. Classes can be for members or offered as a means of outreach as a discipling teaching tool.
Equip the body of Christ to better understand poverty, and instill better relationships and support with those that are being ministered to in effective biblical ways
Contact us about being a Church Connector!

Volunteer as an Ally
ALLY (Mentorship) -
A three-hour training class for becoming an Ally is required for preparation to assist, understand, and encourage participants in and outside of the classroom. Within the classroom relationship building is essential, and a group of allies is profitable when they can operate from their gifts - with homework, resume writing, budgeting, prayer, etc. Outside of class with educational and training opportunities, exploring career paths, finding employment, etc.
This is an ongoing exceptional training tool for individuals to learn and amplify the work of the church in its constituency and in the community. We learn about them as they learn.
When you support Step uP Chattanooga, you are helping provide the resources and education men and women need to change the course of their lives for now and generations to come.
Your support helps give job security and financial peace for today and hope for the future.
Step uP is proud to be partnering with
The Generosity Trust.

The Generosity Trust (TGT) is all about Empowering Christian Generosity. Their primary purpose is to provide donor-advised funds for believers to assist them in honoring the Lord with what He has entrusted to them. See more about them here: https://www.thegenerositytrust.org/

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
Prayer is essential to our ministry. We serve a God of restoration, healing, and new beginnings.
When you join our prayer team, you can be a part of seeing lives impacted for now and eternity.